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About kit:

Great quality. Quality of this kit can be placed in series with some well-known Chinese producers. Easy going but long time. Many pieces. Good quality rubber protectors. This “Leviathan” compared to the other models will look eerily huge.


About painting:

Customer wanted to get this model without camouflage. So I used the classic Soviet military color “4BO”. But container of the rocket and machine itself painted different shades of green. To make easy variety of colors rocket  container was painted in khaki. Just like the customer wanted the model with abundant wethernig, but since these machines (unlike other Soviet military) is always kept clean and tidy, I just soiled lower part of machine. The rest of the machines were used only drips of rain and a little dust.

Also to add some interesting machine was painted using color modulation technology.

As usual, everything was painted with artistic acrylic, oil and MIG pigments.

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